Friday, March 21, 2008

Qoutable Qoute

He Has All Those Qualities?

I used to laughed at Gus Dur because he did not looked like he knew what he was doing, angry at George Bush for his lies and deceptions, disgusted at Marcos for accumulating wealth that belong to his rakyat, Howard and Blair for acting like puppy dogs... I guess now I have to laugh at myself for having a PM with all those qualities... -

Straycat's Strut, 10:52 am, Saturday,

The Friday Sermon Part III

*Note this my closing shot just before we put our future in the hand of whom we chosed on that fateful day, the 8 March 2008 the 12th General Election.

Salam Guys

This is not an official Friday sermon that we will be going to have today but its an interesting article that I come across in the internet. So here it goes , maybe it will guide us as we go to the polling booth tomorrow....

Assalamualaikum kepada semua bakal-bakal pengundi dan pembaca yang budiman. Aku terpanggil untuk menulis coretan ini _bukan kerana ingin memihak kepada mana-mana parti atau pemimpin _tetapi kerana suatu persoalan yang berlegar di benak fikiranku dan ingin aku mengajak saudara-saudari sekalian bertanya kepada diri dan hati masing-masing TANGGUNGJAWAB MENGUNDI KITA KERANA APA?

Mungkin ada diantara saudara-saudari tertanya-tanya bagaimana persoalan ini terlintas difikiran aku? Sebenarnya ia timbul setelah aku mendengar satu sesi ceramah agama di surau perumahan yang aku diami. Ceramah yang diberikan oleh ustaz berkenaan bukanlah suatu ceramah politik, ianya ceramah mingguan, tetapi penceritaan di dalam cermahnya membuatkan aku tertanya kepada diri sendiri akan persoalan di atas.

Selepas solat sunat sesudah solat magrib, ustaz tersebut pun memulakan ceramah beliau. Seperti biasa isi ceramahnya adalah tentang dosa dan pahala. Pada mulanya aku mendengar seperti biasa kerana topik sedemikian sering kali di ulangi ketika khutbah jumaat.

Kemudian ceramah beliau menjadi menarik lebih-lebih lagi bila semua makmum yang hadir mendengar dengan khsyuk. Ustaz tersebut berbicara mengenai seorang pencuri yang dibicara didepan Allah s.w.t di padang Masyhar.
Ditanya oleh Allah s.w.t kepada si pencuri walaupun Allah maha mengetahui akan segala sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh hamba-hambanya, ; " Wahai si polan, kenapa kamu hanya di hukum penjara 3 tahun di atas kesalahan mencuri sedangkan kesalahan yang kamu lakukan mempunyai saksi dan bukti yang nyata dan sepatutnya kamu dikenakan hukuman potong tangan"

Jawap si pencuri, " Wahai Tuhanku, bukanlah aku yang meminta hukuman ini, tapi hukuman ini telah diberikan oleh hakim yang mengadili aku".
Begitulah di mahsyar, masing-masing akan cuba melepaskan diri sendiri dan segalanya akan diadili dengan seadilnya dihadapan Allah s.w.t

Allah s.w.t kemudian memerintahkan hakim tersebut mengadap dan bertanya, " Wahai hakim, kenapa kamu menjatuhkan hukuman tersebut kepada si pencuri ini?" Maka jawab sihakim, "Wahai Tuhanku, sesungguhnya amanah yang diberikan kepadaku ini terbatas dan aku tiada kuasa dan upaya untuk melakukannya. " Bertanya lagi Allah s.w.t kepada sihakim, " Maka siapa pula yang memberi kamu akan kuasa itu?" . Jawab sihakim, "Mereka yang membuat akta dan perlembagaan iaitu kerajaan yang di barisi oleh ahli-ahli kabinet negaraku".
Allah s.w.t kemudian memerintahkan pula para-para ahli kabinet dibicarakan, " Wahai kamu semua, kenapa kamu membuat akta dan perlembagaan sedemikian yang bercangah sama sekali dengan hukum Ku?" Jawab ahli-ahli kabinet " Wahai Tuhan kami, sememangnya kami menolak hukum Mu selama kami memerintah dengan memberi berbagai alasan untuk tidak melaksanakannya tapi jangan lah hanya kami di persalahkan kerana kami tidak akan membuat akta yang melawan hukum Mu sekiranya rakyat tidak memilih kami".

Allah s.w.t kemudian memerintah kan semua rakyat yang memilih ahli-ahli kabinet tersebut mengadap dan bertanya dengan penuh kemurkaan "Wahai kamu sekalian, mengapa kamu sekalian memilih mereka-mereka ini yang menolak hukum Ku secara terang-terangan dan memberi berbagai alasan untuk tidak melaksanakan hukum Ku.

Maka jawablah si rakyat dengan ketakutan yang amat dahsyat kerana dimahsyar tidak ada lagi dolak dalih yang dapat digunakan. Ada diantaranya menjawap "Wahai Tuhan Ku, aku memilih mereka kerana dihadiahkan baju dan kain." Ada pula yang menjawap, " Aku memilih mereka kerana ingin kemewahan dan kesenangan dunia.", Selain itu ada yang menjawap "Aku memilih mereka kerana inginkan projek-projek" . Ada juga yang menjawab " Aku memilih mereka kerana aku tidak yakin kerajaan yang melaksanakan hukum Islam boleh memerintah". Ada lagi yang menjawap, " Aku memilih mereka kerana tidak yakin dengan undang-undang Islam". Dan yang menyedihkan ada yang menjawab, "Kami memilih mereka kerana di hadiahkan sekampit beras, sekilo gula dan sekilo tepung". _Maka dengan murkanya Allah memeritahkan kesemuanya dengan berkata, "Masuk lah kamu semua ke dalam neraka Ku, sesungguh nya azab Ku amat lah pedih dan terimalah balasan siksa diatas apa yang telah kamu lakukan dan dustakan." Nauzubillah.
Pada penutupan ceramahnya, Ustaz tersebut berkata, " _Kalau saudara-saudari tidak percaya perkara seperti ini akan berlaku di mahsyar nanti, tunggu lah saya nanti di __sana__, kalau apa yang saya katakana ini bohong atau dusta semata". _
Dalam perjalan aku kerumah, apa yang berlegar di fikiran aku adalah persoalan " AKU MENGUNDI NANTI KERANA APA??? Setibanya aku di pintu pagar rumah, dengan rasa yakin dan teguh aku mendapat jawapannya, AKU MENGUNDI KERANA ALLAH S.W.T DAN ISLAM.

Kepada saudara-saudariku semua, tanyalah diri masing-masing AKU MENGUNDI KERANA APA??? Tepuk dada tanya IMAN.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Post Election Drips

From a friend:

My Parting Shot (cos I am not bothered until the next election)

The following are my observations post elections. They represent not only my thoughts but also my aspirations in the future at least till the next election. Lets share.

1. The Penang UMNO came out on the streets and had a "perhimpunan". The perhimpunan was held to protest Guan Eng's dismissal of the NEP. If it was held when the BN was in power it would have been termed "demonstrasi" thus it is haram. Funny how the press change the word to reflect 'BN's right to demonstrate". Guan Eng didnt say he would abolish the NEP. The press said that. He said that ALL govt tenders will be an "open tender". The press (since they belong to BN) put a spin to it. Where were UMNO when they had the most no of ADUN in 1998 and yet gave the CM post to Gerakan???? UMNO were reduced to Balik Pulau since 1978. Dont tell me UMNO didnt realise that. Our friend Halim can give us a better picture I am sure. Sounds like ....its ok for BN to push me aside but not anybody else......
Oh by the way....the demonstrations were peaceful right??? Therefore no water cannons no swinging of the batons by the "agent provocateur"......But remember HINDRAF, BERSIH????? That says a lot about our policeman doesnt it. AND the racially slant fiery speeches.....Two months ago there will be calls for ISA, seditious act and god knows what else will be said by the TV and newspapers.
This is what I meant by UMNO not playing on a level playing field. The police, judiciary, the other govt agencies MUST be allowed to act independently....
2. Perak MB issue. Thank God the Sultan of Perak is a learned man. He wouldnt mind to have a chinese MB. The UMNO in Perak made a lot of representations (mostly at the State Secretariat building). They only state that it was embedded in the Perak's constitution. It clearly shows that the new govt can change or edit the constitution.....then what??? My translation prepared for change.....
3. Perlis MB and Terengganu MB issue. Even in victory UMNO is still quarelling!!!! Have a guess what they are quarrelling about? Or lets put it in another way......Is the outcome going to benefit the rakyat?
4. Where is KJ??? Very quiet. Surprise surprise. I bet he knew that the PKR candidate he lost to in Rembau is waiting for the results to be gazetted. That guy is going to petition the SPR. KJ lost not only in the first count. He lost it in the second count as well. Then......a Pos Laju van appeared....and the rest is a foregone conclusion. And I was told tomorrow he will be a FULL minister no less. Other possibilities: NTR will take over KDN, Hishamuddin takes Defence. KJ could well be tasked with JKR. Wow that great....he has been collecting TOLL ever since he became SIL.
5. Khir Toyo asked the new Selangor MB when will water rates go down. Khalid told him in no uncertain terms......April. It will only cost the govt RM11M per month. Selangor can afford it he says. Khir Toyo shut himself up.

Ok troops....I could go on and on. But I am sure you guys are just as good as me if not better off in terms of being aware of the situation right now. All I am saying is ISLAM has taught us to be fair. In order to be fair get both sides of the story. Then figure it out. Observe. Learn. We dont have to belong to any party, because at the end of the day that is not what ALLAH is going to ask you. So dont bother to champion any party.....just take it with a pinch of salt and lets meet up for teh tarik and TALK COCK again as usual........

Monday, March 3, 2008

PRU 12 Campaign

From a friend : An appeal

Dear Oppos,

It is true that there are things that we Malaysians should be proud of, and be thankful for. It is equally true that many things are not well in our country. They have not been well for some time now. Matters of

a. safety and security,
b. price hikes, education,
c. issues of equal opportunities and equal treatment,
d. constriction of various forms of freedom,
e. marginalisation of several segments of society,
f. the failing justice system, corruption in the public sector,
g. the rising denial syndromes,
h. the arrogance of wrongdoers nourished by their repeated ability to get off
I. and the numbness of the public reaction towards misdeeds and the lack of
accountability, just to describe a few.

Many of the ills that we complain about in our society are the symptoms of the underlying causes. Some of the major root causes are:

(a) epidemic corruption in a system that does little to prohibit or redress it,
(b) lack of a system of transparency and accountability,
(c) the suppression of various freedoms so as to turn a silent majority into a
silenced majority,
(d) a Government that is more interested in commanding than serving,
(e) a Parliament whose overwhelming majority cares more about power-consolidation
than nation-building, and
(f) a weak “last bastion” in the form of a failing justice system.

Can things be allowed to go on this way? Can we afford to do so? Should our future generations suffer the consequences of our permissiveness?

It is quite obvious that we need a better Government and a better Parliament.

But that will not happen if we, the citizens of Malaysia, do little more than blaming the Government and criticizing our Members of Parliament. It is we who put our MPs in the Parliament. It is we who must take the ultimate responsibility. The buck stops at each and every one of us.

My earnest appeal to everyone is therefore as follows:

(i) discuss the need for a better Parliament and a better Government, with your
family members, colleagues, friends and persons close to you;

(ii) make it a point to go and vote in the next election, and to vote for change and
for betterment;

(iii) discard the notion or excuse that your single vote will not matter;

(iv) discard the notion or excuse that politics is dirty and all politicians are the
same, and therefore that there is no point in voting;

(v) influence and encourage as many of your family members, colleagues, friends and
persons close to you as possible, to come out and vote for change and for
betterment in the coming election.

It is meaningless for us to complain about our Parliamentarians and the Government, if we do not first discharge a simple but sacrosanct duty of choice.

Let us all take the time to look into the beautiful but expectant eyes of our children, and of the children of many others for whom we care. The future of our nation is meant for them. But millions of them cannot vote. They put their fate in our hands. They rely on us not just for their present living and support. They rely on us, too, to vote for a better future for them.

And after discharging our duty to vote, we must continue to be vigilant, and ensure that our elected representatives account for their actions, and make good their promises.

I humbly suggest to you that change and betterment are not empty dreams, if all of us play our respective parts. I invite you, and I urge you, to answer my appeal as set out above.

Thank you.

PRU 12 Campaign

From a friend:

Assalamu'alaikum! Guten Tag! Good morning!

Kepada para muslimin, adalah tanggung jawab kita untuk memastikan Islam dapat terlaksana. Setelah lebih 50 tahun dikatakan merdeka, tidak nampak akan terlaksananya Islam malah disekat dan dihalang, hinggakan untuk melaksanakan hudud pun tidak dibenarkan malah disaman pulak. Bagaimana hukum Allah yang hendak dilaksanakan disaman dimakhkamah?

Didalam setiap hati orang Islam mesti ada kehendak agar Islam itu dapat dilaksanakan. Maka dengan sedikit kuasa yang kita ada, iaitu dengan memilih pada para pemimpin yang hendak ke jalan melaksanakan Islam. Maka menjadi wajib bagi setiap individu yang layak untuk memilih dengan sebaik baiknya agar bila kita disoal diakhirat kelak, sekurang kurangnya kita telah cuba dengan sedikit kuasa yang kita ada. Soal kalah atau menang, itu urusan Allah.

Yang penting kita telah berusaha kejalanNya.Bagi bab mengumpat, bolih lah dirujuk dalam kitab Riadh! us Solihin dalam bab mengumpat dan perkara perkara yang dibolihkan. Telah menjadi amalan puak puak hadhari yang tidak menghebahkan dengan jelas sesuatu perkara untuk kepentingan mereka. Sememangnya benar mengumpat itu adalah suatu dosa besar tetapi didalam beberapa perkara ia dibolihkan. Bagi kita yang kurang ariff, maka banyaklah membaca kitab kitab karangan para ulama dan banyak hadhirkan diri ke kuliah kuliah dan bertanya pada para ustaz ustaz. Sekiranya mudah bagi kita menerima pakai hukum ciptaan manusia,mengapa sebagai orang Islam susah sangat nak menerima hukum Allah. Islam itu diatas segala segalanya.

Seperti tersebut dalam Albaqarah : Alif Lam Mim. Zaa likal kitabula rai bafiih, hudallill muttaqin. Terjemahannya lebih kurang begini - Alif Lam Mim, Itu kitab dari Allah tiada keraguan baginya bagi orang orang yang taqwa. Maka walau sedikit pun didalam hati ini ada berasa syak terhadap kitabullah itu, maka rosaklah iman kita. Jadi fikir fikirkan lan wahai sahabat. Itu lah pesanan yang dapat dipanjang-panjangkan untuk kita kongsi. Sama ada mau menerimanya atau tidak bukanlah urusan saya. Cuma menyampaikan sekadar yang termampu.
